On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 04:46:19PM -0500, Baho Utot wrote:
> Nicolas Bigaouette wrote:
>> I totally second that. It is really frustrating as a bug reporting user to
>> end the discussion like this.
>> It really looks like a "shut-up and stop annoying us" thing...
>> I know it did not gave me the motivation to open other bugs.
>> I don't see why the discussion should be closed when the bug is. As Damjan
>> said, some useful information can still be provided even if the bug is
>> closed.
>> 2009/2/16 Damjan Georgievski <gdam...@gmail.com>
> Which is why I don't submit bug reports anymore.

some discussions are a real pain...
there is a forum, mailing list, possibility to mail the maintainer, etc.
perhaps (to please everyone) there could be smth like a bug-subforum:
bug #ID -> thread #ID
so discussion can go on. 
but, as someone earlier stated, a bug tracker is for reporting bugs, not
a platform for discussions.



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