I totally second that. It is really frustrating as a bug reporting user to
end the discussion like this.
It really looks like a "shut-up and stop annoying us" thing...

I know it did not gave me the motivation to open other bugs.

I don't see why the discussion should be closed when the bug is. As Damjan
said, some useful information can still be provided even if the bug is

2009/2/16 Damjan Georgievski <gdam...@gmail.com>

> I find it pretty frustrating that once bugs are closed in
> http://bugs.archlinux.org/ you can no longer add comments.
> The only option you have is request re-opening of the bug, which, I
> guess, would then frustrate the maintainer who closed the bug.
> Adding comments to already closed bugs makes sense to me, since the
> *discussion* is almost always not over when it's (too hastily?)
> closed. Sometimes you want to add comments that strengthens the case
> for closing the report, which also means the report will not be
> re-opened in the future. Sometimes you need to supply more
> information.
> --
> damjan

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