On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 07:08, Dan McGee <dpmc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> String freeze for the pacman 3.2.2 release is now in effect. Our
> pacman translation policy is outlined here. The important sections for
> translators are the introduction and up to (and including) pre-release
> updates.
> http://www.archlinux.org/pacman/translation-help.html
> As stated in the above document, PO files have been made available to 
> translate:
> http://code.toofishes.net/pacman/po_files/
> I'm shooting for a release approximately 5 days from now, but that
> could change depending on how quick we get translations back and sneak
> some last-minute fixes in.
> Languages we currently have:
> cs:Vojtěch Gondžala <vojtech.gondz...@gmail.com>
> de: Matthias Gorissen <matth...@archlinux.de>
> en_GB: Jeff Bailes <thepizzak...@gmail.com> (Already complete)
> es: Juan Pablo Gonzalez <jotape...@gmail.com>
> fr: Xavier Chantry <shinin...@gmail.com>
> hu: Nagy Gabor <ng...@bibl.u-szeged.hu>
> it: Giovanni Scafora <linuxma...@gmail.com>
> pl: Mateusz Herych <heni...@gmail.com>
> pt_BR: Hugo Doria <h...@archlinux.org>
> ru: Sergey Tereschenko <serg.parti...@gmail.com>
> tr: Samed Beyribey <beyri...@gmail.com>
> zh_CN: 甘露(Lu.Gan) <rhythm....@gmail.com>

Where is this list from?
It's missing Ukrainian language. ;-)

Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)

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