2008/12/16 Anton <w...@stack.ru>:
> Good day.
> I'm going to compile all needed packages for archlinux. There are many source 
> mirrors at the net not only
> URLs from PKGBUILD. Usually it is "distfiles" dir from gentoo or freebsd. It 
> contains sources for their
> ports. I want use this sources.
> How can I to make makepkg to look for source in my LAN mirrirs to get it 
> first from there and only then from
> PKGBUILD's url ?
> For example in CRUX pkgmk.conf there is PKGMK_SOURCE_MIRRORS=(...) wich point 
> to list of such mirrors. I
> looking for the same in archlinux.
> --
> Anton [WARM-RIPE]
> Stack ltd division head
> tel. 8 (3822) 555-797

you can use SRCDEST="/path/to/folder" option in makepkg.conf. makepkg
looks into this directory first and if there are no sources, it will
download them there.

Lukas "stativ" Jirkovsky

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