On Freitag, 12. Dezember 2008 23:03 Hubert Grzeskowiak wrote:

>> That's so weird... so pacman's umask setting just doesn't work?
> either that or it's sudo. i've only tested it with the default umask so
> far and without sudo. if the bug would appear there, it would be easy to
> say that it's pacman setting his own strange permissions.

I think it is sudo because there was a bugreport in the past about bad file
permissions for the changelog files and the pacman dev(s) invest a lot to
prevent such cases where umask is the problem. I hope i'm right with this.

> -su/root pacman with non-default umask

If you type su instead of "su -" than root (or the user you choose) get the
umask of the user who starts this.

At the end i must say that i don't realy understand what speak against a "real
root login" to do the jobs with pacman. To only know if there be new updates
it is enough to run a cronjob which send an email of the output
from "pacman -Syup" to the user acount and than you have to run pacman as
root only for updates or other things. But this be only my 2c.

See you, Attila

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