Aaron Griffin schrieb:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:47 PM, Hubert Grzeskowiak
> <arch-general...@nemesis13.de> wrote:
>> hi there,
>> can it be, that the some dirs written to /var/lib/pacman/local/* are not
>> chmod'ed properly? sometimes i get errors because as user i don't have
>> the permissions to do anything with it (it's set to drwx------). this
>> only occurs on some packages (eg. the new nmap package). other dirs and
>> files inside all (also the corrupted) directories seem okay (files:
>> -rw-r--r--; dirs: drwxr-xr-x)
>> i played around with umask and sudo (always used on de-/installations)
>> with no result -everything was okay- so i conclude it's a per-package
>> problem.
> It's not, those files are not installed directly out of the package -
> pacman writes them itself.
> What is root's umask?

root's and user's umask is the same: 0077

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