Hi all,

I wrote this mail to avoid any confusion about the last two updates of the php 
package. For the lazy ones: Make sure to update to php-5.2.7-2

In detail: php-5.2.7-1 fixes some security issues. Imho the most serious one 
is the following described by Stefan Esser: 

Other important changes are summarized in the official changelog which can be 
found at: http://www.php.net/releases/5_2_7.php

Yesterday Jürgen Hötzel noticed that this new version of php breaks 
magic_quote_gpc. (http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=46759) Well, it does not 
quote anything when enabled. 

Even though magic_quotes are disabled by default and shouldn't be used at all, 
this is a serious bug for those who still use apps that rely on this feature.

I fixed this bug with the php-5.2.7-2 package. Especially those who have 
magic_quotes enabled should update to this version. Maybe there will be 
another upstream release soon.



Pierre Schmitz

Clemens-August-Straße 76
53115 Bonn

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