On Sunday 30 November 2008 23:24:42 Grigorios Bouzakis wrote:
> Do you think its appropriate to provide all those applications as
> binary for 2-3 people?

I'm rather new to the whole Arch world, but I can offer the following:

Your messages to this list about Sergej sound more like personal attacks than 
constructive criticism.  It seems to me that he's taken on a lot of 
responsibility here and your giving him grief over it won't help matters.

Secondly, your remark about maintaining packages for a small number of users 
fails to acknowledge that this is the very same behaviour as what you will find 
in the Linux kernel.  Modular design strategies lend themselves well to 
communities with diverse needs.  It seems to me that if the packages are used, 
accurate, and maintained, they should stay.

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