Hello. I have updated to Xorg-server 1.5 from testing. However I get extremely low fps (60fps) when running glx-gears. The error I get in the terminal is "Failed to initialize TTM buffer manager. Falling back to classic."
After googling I came across this bug report on gentoo tracker: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=237468 >From my research it appears that many people who have Intel cards have this issue. I have the Intel 82945G/GZ using the xf86-video-intel driver. From the bug report it seems as if no work is going into supporting TTM, instead all the work with the driver is going into GEM support. I am not sure what TTM and GEM are, which makes my understand weak with the issue at hand. >From what I do understand it has something to do with dri (a backend?) I have updated libdrm to 2.4.1 and xf86-video-intel to 2.5.1 and continue to receive the error as many others do. I am currently in the process of compiling a new kernel that has GEM support. Following the directions from comment 41 of the bug report. >From reading though the bug report is seems as if this GEM technology is unstable and not ready for any type of release. If xorg-server 1.5 is moved from testing to extra, can we have an archive of xorg-server 1.4 and all related packages? This migration is going to affect a lot of archers with Intel cards. Many archers require much higher frames per second. By providing an archive of these packages it will allow new installations and people who upgrade a chance to downgrade to regain performance. Hopefully I was clear in my explanation if not feel free to ask me any questions. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you, ~pyther