On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Loui Chang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 11:44:20AM -0700, w9ya wrote:
> > O.k.... well try to not be so strident with things like "It's stupid"
> when
> > someone tells you about reasons and goals and results. That may be
> "history"
> > lesson, but it also may just hold something you have not considered
> because
> > you did not know of it.
> Your mention of history is irrelevant. You say things have always been
> the way they are now, so how can you know if a different system would be
> better or worse? You can't because you don't have the history.
> Um, Loui... Aaron was the one that called *my* history lessons here

But as long as you agree that there is much to be learned from history; you
should WANT to go back over that past several years worth of discussions and
read up on it BEFORE you make your suggestions . (As I have suggested you do
twice already.)

I am pretty sure you will find that a very few TUs agreed to limit/decree
what was *historically* (and always) a TU's personal preferences**
concerning his/her contributions to community. These proposals, as I pointed
out earlier today have ALWAYS been been defeated by the TU group. <- That is
the history lesson I sought to give. And the reasons why have been covered
in my previous posts today. Perhaps it would make some sense to go read just
today's output AGAIN ?

(To date, these proposals that were defeated have generally come form
NEW(er) TUs that see limiting a TU's community contributions as a solution
to some problem. We have generally found other solutions AND the TUs that
have been doing this awhile do not seem to offer up these sorts of
proposals. Again I mention this as a history lesson.)

As for Aaron's calling my history lessons "stupid" or "regressive", well I
will let that speak for itself.

Best regards;

Bob Finch

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