Hello Arch users, the new kernel version causes me some trouble.
Since version 2.6.27 architecture independent firmware is installed to /lib/firmware. The install path doesn't depend on the actual name of the kernel: http://kernelnewbies.org/Linux_2_6_27#head-a1eaa0eeec567ae80d95dedf354e3663ae03f76b Hence it isn't possible to install two different kernel packages in parallel anymore, because both packages include the same content of /lib/firmware, so pacman refuses to install the second package. Up to now I "solve" this problem by simply deleting the firmware in my own kernel package. Don't needing the frimware myself makes this an acceptable solution. But for my savekernel skript in the AUR I need a full featured backup kernel. I have examined the interesting part of the kernel config file: CONFIG_PREVENT_FIRMWARE_BUILD=y CONFIG_FW_LOADER=y CONFIG_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL=y CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE="" and looked at the commits to the kernel git: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commit;h=4d2acfbfdf68257e846aaa355edd10fc35ba0feb http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commit;h=d172e7f5c67f2d41f453c7aa83d3bdb405ef8ba There doesn't seem to exist a simple switch to install the firmware relative to the kernel name. The only solution I can see so far is to stick every firmware name into the EXTRA_FIRMWARE variable and to set EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR to a directory related to the specific kernel. I tried to be clever and looked into the kernel26-ice package from AUR but it suffers the same problem. Maybe the maintainer never tried to install kernel26-ice and the official kernel26 in parallel. The question is: Are there any options to install the firmware relative to the kernel version in general? Kind regards, Michael Krauss