On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 11:02 PM, Dieter Plaetinck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fosdem is a pretty big FOSS-related conference in Brussels, Belgium
> (Europe). ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOSDEM, http://fosdem.org)
> They basically do/allow 4 things:
> - devrooms: foss projects can have rooms to
> meet/discuss/hack/demonstrate/plan IRL with other devs.  Members of the
> community can go in too, although even in the biggest rooms you can get
> maximum 40 people or so IIRC.  (the Gentoo devrooms used to be full 8-)
> - lightning talks: 15 minutes for someone involved in a (new) project to
> present it to the community
> - "real" talks:  IIRC about 1hour.  usually for bigger known projects like
> xorg etc.
> - stands: there is also the fair part, where projects can have stands to
> show off their project, sell merchandise,..
> If any of these sounds interesting for Arch, you can still apply.
> See:
> http://fosdem.org/2009/call_for_devrooms_and_stands
> http://fosdem.org/2009/call_for_lightningtalks
> http://fosdem.org/2009/node/153

Hmm, I would actually love to go, but I fear it will cost an arm and
half my leg to get there. Maybe you should send this to the
arch-events list?

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