Hi Jan, Am Samstag, den 01.11.2008, 19:04 +0100 schrieb Jan Spakula: > Excerpts from Dominik Schips's message of So lis 01 16:48:15 +0100 2008: > > > > I tried to setup a archlinux (32bit) with the ISO. > > At the step to set a root password the installation always make some > > problem. > > > > I get an error: "chroot: cannot run commant 'passwd' : Exec format > > error" > > Same problem here. The reason is that 'x86_64' is hardcoded into the > mirrorlist, so actually everything that gets installed is with wrong > architecture. Fixable by editing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.
Thank you for your help. I thought about somthing like this because I had problems to chroot with a 32bit GRML on the installed archlinux. Only with a 54bit it was possible. I'll try your "fix" tomorrow. Regards Dominik