
Maybe you had cairo-lcd installed, and because of conflicts pacman replaced
cairo-lcd with cairo? Pacman usually asks for replacement, but if you used
--noconfirm it could do it automaticly.

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 5:07 PM, Scott Weisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I recently upgraded my system and the fonts are now being rendered
> differently. They looked great before but are now blurry. I don't
> think it's because anti-aliased fonts are enabled before whereas
> before they weren't, because they were enabled before and looked
> great.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Also, is there some way to change the font rendering configuration and
> have them re-rendered on the fly without restarting X?
> Thanks,
> Scott

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