Hello together, i recognized that the new udev package has a file framebuffer_blacklist in /etc/modprobe.d which blacklist the framebuffer modules.
So my question is about what is the best way to blacklist modules: Is it rc.conf or should i create my own file under /etc/modprobe.d? For an example i print over the net and therefore i blacklist all modules for the parallel device in my rc.conf with "lp !parport !parport_p". Should i now better create a file /etc/modprobe.d/attilas_blacklist with this lines: # Comment: No need for the parallel device blacklist lp blacklist parport blacklist parport_p My next little question is that the point about Blacklisting in the file /usr/share/udev/readme-udev-arch.txt says that i can use MOD_BLACKLIST too but i have changed my rc.conf to use !modul because i think this way is depreceated? Sorry if i oversee some informations but i'm a little bit confused about what is for archlinux the best way in the future to blacklist modules. Last not least there is no question about that using !modul in the rc.conf works fine as before and there is no pressure for me to change it. But for myself a file with comments lines in modprobe.d would be more fine to separate blacklisting informations. See you, Attila