Ángel Velásquez wrote:
> Jaime Oyarzun Knittel ha scritto:
>> That's really obvious. In virtualbox *ose* thinks aren't working,
> <snip>
> You meant *things* ;)

Haha, can't get used to this language yet :)

>> however I think I solved it, I'll check it during the morning.
> Let us know if you solved it ;)

Well, I had to rebuild the package virtualbox-modules from ABS.

What I did was:

1. Add the --disable-hardening flag in virtualbox-modules PKGBUILD.

2. makepkg --nobuild

3. Remove the flag -DVBOX_WITH_HARDENING from the variable KFLAGS in

4. makepkg --noextract -i

5. Reload the module (modprobe -vr vboxdrv && modprobe -v vboxdrv).

6. chmod 666 /dev/vboxdrv.

The last step is a bit ugly, but works. I don't know why am I not
allowed to use /dev/vboxdrv with 660 persmissions, even if I belong to
the vboxusers group.

I hope it works, please tell :)
Jaime Jose Oyarzun Knittel
Estudiante Ingenieria Civil Informatica
Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
Valparaiso - Chile

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