
I rewrote stonecrest's python script which generated the Integrity
Checks : 
last results : 

Main changes include :
* better and safer parsing of PKGBUILDs
(it now relies on a separate bash script which source PKGBUILDs and
generate python code, rather than trying to parse bash directly in
* much better performance
(thanks to a small python C extension which allows to call alpm_vercmp
natively rather than having to fork the vercmp binary thousands of
* more accurate dependency and provision handling
(having worked on this part of the pacman code for a while probably
helped me a bit here)

> time ./check_archlinux.sh

= Integrity Check =

Performing integrity checks...
==> checking mismatches
==> checking archs
==> checking dependencies
==> checking makedepends

Missing Dependencies
archboot --> 'bcm43xx-fwcutter>=006-2'

Missing Makedepends
wpa_supplicant --> 'kernel26<2.6.25'
xosd --> 'xmms'
flac --> 'xmms'

Invalid PKGBUILDs:                     0
Mismatching PKGBUILD names:            0
Invalid archs:                         0
Missing (make)dependencies:            4

./check_archlinux.sh  6,29s user 0,65s system 96% cpu 7,210 total

Attachment: check_archlinux.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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