Arvid Ephraim Picciani wrote:
just my two cents:
complain at the upstream. It's their fault.
kde declared 4.1 production ready. archlinux just provides binary packages for the latest stable upstream package.
If you don't like that, archlinux is the wrong distro.

Exactly as I said earlier in the thread:

"I have no qualms with what the devs did. KDE4 is out, and so the Arch devs have to upgrade to it. (And in fact, IMO, they even were pretty cautious about the upgrade, waiting several months until 4.1 was released before upgrading.) Arch is a distro that uses "bleeding edge" software, and we all know that going in. And if somebody wants to use old packages, the onus is on them to make it happen."

Yes kde4 IS EPIC FAIL. but thats really not archlinux' fault.
I installed gnome.

I'm reserving judgment on it till I've had a chance to really use it in a major way. It might turn out to be great for me in the long run. But I'm a bit busy right now, and it's just too much of a change to my environment for me to take on right now. So, dunno - "epic fail" seems a bit premature for me right now.


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