Some days ago I ran the updates for my Don't Panic install, which said that KDE 3.5.9 was being upgraded to KDE4. I let this go ahead having asked on the list if there were likely to be any problems with KDE4.
I also have recently installed Fedora 9 which comes with KDE4 as default, so this is not a pop at Archlinux, but more with KDE4, which I'm finding is virtually unuseable. I'm posting this from Fedora Core 2, which has KDE 3.2.2-14.FC2.2.legacy Red Hat, and apart from the odd konqueror crash when accessing certain web sites, there are no problems. KDE4 is a whole different ball game. The question is, is it possible to somehow revert back to KDE 3.5.9 without reinstalling. Reinstalling would mean that I only have the package versions that were on the install cd. I do have another instance of Dont Panic, that hasn't been upgraded to KDE4, and all the updates prior to the upgrade to KDE4 are available, and looking at /var/cache/pacman/pkg there don't appear to be any KDE updates until the transition to KDE4. If I do have to reinstall this instance of Don't Panic that has been upgraded to KDE4, is there some way to prevent the upgrade to KDE4 on the fresh install? Apologies if I'm offending anyone that loves KDE4, but I'm finding it a real problem to work with. Any help on this problem really appreciated. Nigel.