On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:59:33PM +0200, Jan de Groot wrote: > On Thu, 2008-06-19 at 00:10 +0400, Sergej Pupykin wrote: > > Hi, All! > > > > I forgot which decision was made about ion3 > > > > Can I add it into community if I'll update it quickly? > > If you get ill (yes, getting a real life is what we call ill too ;)) and > can't update the package within 2 weeks after release, you're screwed > because you're violating the license. > I wouldn't make ion3 available as binary package for this single reason.
If you add it, don't call the package ion3 just to be safe. In the description you can write 'This is a fork of ion3.' so that people can still find it. That's what I would do anyways. :D