Jason Chu wrote:
> Alrighty, mostly a couple questions:
> Would it be an idea to build as the original users who ran srcpac?  I
> guess if you use sudo, that won't quite work... you'd need something
> pointing back to that user...

I don't know if that's possible, because you don't know whether srcpac was
invoked as root or via sudo. However, maybe a new separate user isn't needed and
we could just (ab)use nobody for the makepkg calls.

> I'm a little confused why ${i-*-*-*} doesn't work in all cases.  What
> are you trying to fix with the perl code?

It doesn't work in all cases because not all packages follow the 


naming scheme yet. 

This has something todo with how srcpac determines which packages are about to
be build from source on a system update (-Syu). In this case it fetches the
list of package urls to be updated (-Sup) - extracts the the package part
without the pkg.tar.gz ending and then removes the version part with the bash
expression and then checks if the package was installed from source.

There are still lots of packages in extra/community which are missing the
<arch> part in the file name and for which the bash expression fails.

Im quite sure that what I did in perl could be done with sed, but up to now I
failed to get it right in sed :(. The perl oneline however can be replaced
with the bash expression once all packages follow the same naming scheme.


Michael Klier

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