On Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2008 17:07 Nigel Henry wrote: > On my Fedora installs there is a GUI for stopping and starting services, and > also the option of using chkconfig on the CLI. On my Debian installs, I > installed sysv-rc-conf, which runs on the CLI, and allows you to stop and > start services.
I can understand your feelings because as i start using archlinux i search a tool as chkconfig too but i recognized that such a tool is not really necessary. So why do i think this? The equipollent of "chkconfig --list | grep '3:on'" is the DAEMONS array in the rc.conf and the equipollent of the status of the running daemons ist the content of /var/run/daemons (kdm is not there but it have a pid file). The only thing what i miss is that "chkconfig --list" shows me the x(inet) lines too but this is not so much necessary for archlinux from my view. In my case i must say that the most what i have missed at the beginning has more to do with myself and what i have used before than with archlinux. Perhaps this helps you too. See you, Attila