Thayer Williams wrote:
> On 5/22/08, Travis Willard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Nigel Henry
>>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  > On my Fedora installs there is a GUI for stopping and starting services, 
>> and
>>  > also the option of using chkconfig on the CLI. On my Debian installs, I
>>  > installed sysv-rc-conf, which runs on the CLI, and allows you to stop and
>>  > start services.
>>  >
>>  > Is there anything similar that I could use on my Archlinux install?
>>  >
>>  > Thanks for any help.
>> I can't recall any such tool offhand, though the discussion certainly
>>  has come up before.  What's wrong with /etc/rc.d/service stop and
>>  /etc/rc.d/service start?

I would also have to agree - Arch keeps things so much more organized
with the /etc/rc.d/service {start}{stop} rather than providing any tools
for the user to possibly break.

As for Gui tools, come on, Arch a 'simple, LIGHT weight' Linux
distribution... If Arch had it's own GUI tools eventually it would need
to pick a DE/WM as a default as well and then the bloat would come on.

Arch is one of the few 'useful' Distro's left that has no real bloat to
speak of, let's try to keep it that way.

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