On Thursday 22 May 2008 00:13:27 Tobias Kieslich wrote: > On Wed, 21 May 2008, Denis Alessandro Altoe Falqueto wrote: > > It seems that LZMA lib is licensed with LGPL and has an special > > exception that permits to link (statically or dinamicaly) without > > being bound by the LGPL terms. > > I thought LGPL permist statically linking anyways, which is why WXwidgets > eg is using it. > The LGPL is intentionaly hard to read and confuses a lot of people aparantly. Grats for that FSI. Yes you are allowed to link dynamicly, now read if you are allowed to run the linked program. Not speaking of actually distributing it. Oh and btw, the copyright law of the country of the author applies, which makes it just about a gazillion times more complex. Somone adding that exception indicates they actually read it and found they just want people to link it without consulting a lawyer.
But uuuh hopefully people won't go bezerk now and check all the packages in the repo that violate copyright laws. Its about one third. Please keep at least this part of archlinux intact . Arch folks never gave a shit about those things. well until cdrecord.... -- best regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen Arvid Ephraim Picciani