On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 3:53 PM, Thayer Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/15/08, Ryan Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I just installed Arch on my print server at home; it had been running
>>  another distro and chugging along happily.  It's got a Brother HL2040
>>  attached to it via USB, and I use cups to share it around the network.
>>  Well, I got the server is up and running so I followed the instruction
>>  in the wiki[1]  for installing the printer.  Everything seems to have
>>  gone ok, the printer was detected and installed correctly, hooray.
>>  However, it doesn't print the test page (or anything else).  When I
>>  ask it to print, the printer wakes up and starts spinning, thinks for
>>  a couple seconds, and then goes back to sleep.
> Are you trying to print directly from the server, or from a remote PC
> on the network?  Get it working locally first before worrying about
> anything else.
> Are you running a GUI on the server? If so, what does
> http://localhost:631/printers show for printer status?

Interesting, I found the problem: I had neglected to install
ghostscript.  It seems to me like that should be an explicit
dependency for cups; is there a scenario where you could print from
cups without ghostscript?  I also think its interesting that cups
didn't say anything about "gs" failing to run except in the "debug"
log level, and the failure certainly wasn't considered fatal, even
though it really was.

Ryan W Sims

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