On Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2008 05:16 Lin, Zihui wrote:

> About the netowkr, The networking is configured in rc.conf, and I
> believe it's clean. after i swift my laptop to office, I can't
> reconfigure networking by execute "/etc/rc.d/network restart".
> :: Starting Network              [BUSY]
> SIOCADDRT: No such process

You get this if the ip of the gateway is not available. Take a look of the
value of gateway in the rc.conf. If this is at example gateway="default gw" and ROUTES=(gateway) than try to see what is the output of:

route add default gw

I see that you post a [BUSY] which seems that you use dhcp and so another
reason could be that the other dhcp server offers a wrong or no ip of the

Normaly the combination of etho="dhcp" and ROUTES=(!gateway) in the rc.conf
should works for such a case.

Personaly i must say that this SIOCADDRT messages be not so funny and a search
in the web shows too much examples.-)

Good luck, Attila

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