Alright thanks, I got it. There was a new version of cairo conflicting
with the old version of cairo-lcd. So I found a newer pkgbuild for
cairo-lcd and built the new version from that and it seems to work now.

On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 05:25 +0200, Karolina Lindqvist wrote:
> måndagen den 21 april 2008 skrev Alec Hussey:
> > I obviously want to keep that package and I even entered it in
> > pacman.conf under HoldPkg and seems to have no affect. I dont know what
> > I should do.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Alec Hussey
> If cairo-lcd is a variation of cairo, it should provide cairo, and conflict 
> with cairo.
> I usually do like this, when I build variations:
> pkgname=cairo-lcd
> _pkgname=cairo
> conflicts=($_pkgname)
> provides=($_pkgname=$pkgver)

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