The new 2.6.25 kernel and most of the external modules are in [testing].

- Complete configuration overhaul
- Removed phc patch
- Removed mactel patch

The removal of these patches was because a) there are no new patches
available for 2.6.25 and b) I am trying to reduce the amount of
patching, especially if it only benefits a few people or can be
potentially dangerous.

If there are any problems due to the configuration changes or new kernel
bugs, please let me know. If you want to know more about the real
changes, read here:

I didn't update any modules, so if there are new versions available for
any, please inform their maintainers. The following modules are
currently broken. I didn't do any research on those yet, so if anyone
knows something, please let me know.

- atl2 (Simo, could you have a look, you must probably update it)
- catalyst
- martian
- openswan-klips
- slmodem (USB symbols are now GPL only, this driver will never work
again unless it's rewritten in userspace - is this only a USB driver or
also a PCI driver?)

I wish you all happy testing.

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