On Monday 07 April 2008 11:28:42 Jan de Groot wrote: > I think these things shouldn't be discussed in public anymore. Exactly the wrong way. Face the critics or dig a hole and wait for it to be over.
On Monday 07 April 2008 11:39:32 Thomas Bächler wrote: > > You guys just don't get it. This is about _principle_. > > YOUR principle. Wrong dude. Those are Juds prinicples. We just happen to agree and stand for it. > > Since when do we assume the user is stupid? All that's been > > accomplished here is create a big mess. > > This is rule number one of development, always assume the user is > stupid. The result of that is, that I have less emails with complaints > to answer, less forum posts to unbreak user's systems, one less > bugreport to close. It essentially means that I have more time doing > things that actually benefit the Arch community. thanks for the confirmation that you disagree with us on prinicples. -- best regards Arvid Ephraim Picciani