On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 07:12:40PM +0200, Xavier wrote:
> Michael Schaefer wrote:
>> Gave it a second try and works fine for me now. But i have the same issue 
>> with the non working wireless led. any solution for this? would be nice to 
>> see if wireless is up or not...
> Hey, we know the wireless led doesn't work, it has always been said so! 
> There is no need to repeat 10 times.
> And I personally couldn't even notice it, I don't see what's so critical 
> about it. You find out whether the net is working or not the second you try 
> to access something. And when it doesn't work and you have doubts, a simple 
> iwconfig usually helps.
> Anyway, the support will be added, just be patient.
> http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1209#c59
> PS: this mail isn't aimed at you in particular, I just wanted the "led 
> doesn't work" messages to stop :)
Coincidentially, my LED doesn't work either. But the patch was added to
the git tree three days ago:

So I'm cool with killing ipw, no more userspace daemon, yay!


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