Aaron Griffin wrote:
I have been meaning to ask, AFAIK besides the codecs package the same
license have ttf-ms-fonts. Is there any change to see them in
unsupported too?
IMO the fonts are a more complex issue than the codecs one, since most
users have them installed. Theres already an AUR entry for them in

If you can do some testing here to see WHAT these fonts should be
replaced with, and what looks good, that'd be appreciated. I'd, again,
be personally fine with the switch, but as you said the fonts are a
far more complex issue.

Just my $0.02:

I'd really urge you guys to *not* remove the ttf-ms-fonts package. I use those fonts for just about everything on my boxes!

Granted, someone could start supporting the package in AUR, and I guess I could live with that if I had to. But I'd be much happier to have them be officially supported.


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