Hello everyone,

with the move of pacman version 7.0.0 a few changes might require manual
intervention from end users, which shall be described in the following
news item!

If you have feedback to it feel free to reply directly!

# Manual intervention for pacman 7.0.0 and local repositories required

With the release of [version 7.0.0][0] pacman has added support for
downloading packages as a separate user with dropped privileges, which
we deem a good default for our distribution.

For users with local repos however this might imply that the download
user does not have access to the files in question, which can be fixed
by assigning the files and folder to the "alpm" group.

    $ chown $USER:alpm -R /path/to/local/repo

This is of course only relevant after you have successfully [merged the
.pacnew][1] files.

Pacman also introduced [a change][2] to improve checksum stability for
git repos that utilize .gitattributes files. This might require a
one-time checksum change for PKGBUILDs that use git sources.

[1]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman/Pacnew_and_Pacsave

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