On 10/6/18 11:54 PM, Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
Hi there,

On Sat, 6 Oct 2018 at 23:27, Goliat007 <goliat...@o2.pl <mailto:goliat...@o2.pl>> wrote:


    Lately, I have problem with starting Amarok on Antergos, after
    starting there is MySQL error window and my music colection is
    empty. I tried bot reinstalling aplication and cleaning different
    folder containing amarok data on /Home, still I can`t make it run

    Here is error text:

    "The Amarok database reported the following errors:

    MySQLe something failed! on library initialization failed, return
    code 1

    In most cases you will need to resolve these errors before Amarok
    will run properly."

    Any help would be apreciated.

Did you report this to your distribution? Usually this should be the first thing to do, as the exact MySQL version is handled by the distribution, not by us, some actually use MariaDB instead. Please make sure you include the exact Application, Platform and Distribution versions. Since all of those are missing, there is very little we can do.

Regards, Myriam
Proud member of the Amarok and KDE Community
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I got yesterday response on Antergos forum and proposed solution works. It`s something about actual version of libssh, that affects Amarok. After downgrading it from 0.8.3 to 0.8.2 Amarok runs normaly. I`m sure it will be fixed in future version of libssh or maybe adjusted in next amarok build, until than I have to wait. Anyway thank you for response.

Best regards

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