On 19/02/2021 7:12 pm, Kwok Cheung Yeung wrote:
I have included the current state of my patch. All task-detach-* tests pass when executed without offloading or with offloading to GCN, but with offloading to Nvidia, task-detach-6.* hangs consistently but everything else passes (probably because of the missing gomp_team_barrier_done?).

It looks like the hang has nothing to do with the detach patch - this hangs consistently for me when offloaded to NVPTX:

#include <omp.h>

int main (void)
#pragma omp target
  #pragma omp parallel
    #pragma omp task

This doesn't hang when offloaded to GCN or the host device, or if num_threads(1) is specified on the omp parallel.


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